... A frequently asked question section. While we've done what we can to make this platform as intuitive as possible, there's always questions to be answered.
Not all products have historical recall data. Many major appliances do, but historical data isn't always available. We're adding more and more historical data as it becomes available to us.
Our system utilizes a massive database of aggregated manufacturer and government data. It checks for updates every 15 minutes. New calls notify staff, and we update RecallScan to match.
RecallScan is a web-based product developed using Bootstap. It'll work on any modern web browser on either a computer or mobile device. Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, Firefox, etc...
That's planned for Q4 2023 or Q1 2024. The web app is designed to be usable on all platforms, so it's not super critical. A dedicated app is more of a convenience than a requirement.
Officially, we only support the United States. Unofficially, many appliances and consumer products apply in both the US and Canada. Our data is only officially supported in the USA, however.
Nope. We've done everything we can to price the platform in an affordable manner to avoid traditional advertising. That said, educational content may be sponsored. But no standard ads.
While we do intend on producing and publishing industry research, all data is anonymized. No personally identifiable information is provided to third parties. Ever.
Awesome. Home Inspectors can assign accounts to their customers for up to six months before your account will require payment from yourself. Put it to use - Especially the education sections!